OK, so here's the post you've all been waiting for, sorry it's taken me a little while to get it up.
Information for the timing of the reverse big bang will be put up on the community profile (
here) very soon, and there will be new FAQs for this year, and we will be using tag to help you all keep track of which big bang is being discussed :) - As ever, any question or concerns, drop a comment on here, or message one of us.
thebigbangjob 2011 - Normal Big Bang Schedule
Writer sign up period: 22nd May-12th June
Artist and Beta sign up period: 22nd May-21st August
Writer check in period: 15th-18th July
Rough Draft deadline: 21st August
Artist Claiming Period: 28th August-4th September
Final Deadline for both art and final drafts of fic: 25th September
Posting period: 3rd-22nd October