Posting - how to

Nov 09, 2010 00:10

Right, not long now *rubs hands together*. So this is the 'posting guidelines' post, which is more complicated than last years, but complicated can be fun ;)

Firstly, Authors Posting Guidelines

Authors, when posting your fics (aka when posting your 'masterpost' to the comm with the links to your fic) your subject line should read as follows:

Title of story: Author/s: Genre+Pairings: Rating

And you should use the following header:

Warnings/spoilers: (character death, non-con, graphic violence/sex, episode(s) etc.) (delete as applicable)
Word Count:
Link(s) to fic:
Link to art:

Extra notes: if it has multiple parts, much &hearts if you link to the parts separately in the masterpost and link the parts together (so a link to part two at the end of part one etc) - I know a lot of people do that anyway, but not everyone does and it's one of those things that makes it much easier to read a fic.

Artists doing Art for Prompts: Posting Guidelines

When posting your art (or a link to your art, you can do either) your subject line should read as follows:

Prompt: Artist: Type of Art: Rating

And you should use the following header:

Warnings: (if required - for example whether the image is work safe or not ;))
Link to art: (or a lj cut if posting directly to the comm)

Artists doing Art for an Existing fic

A mix of the two above. Your subject line should read as follows:

Title of Fic: Artist: Genre/Pairing: Rating

And you should use the following header:

Disclaimer (aka I got permission from the author of the fic)
Warnings/spoilers: (character death, non-con, graphic violence/sex, episode(s) etc.) (delete as applicable)
Link to art:
Link(s) to fic:

Fill out the header according to your art, but where possible provide warnings that relate to the fic (part of the aim being to get more people to read the fic as a result of your pretty art).

And finally: Artists making art for the big bang fics

There's no posting guidelines for you :p - your art will be linked to by your authors, but where possible please provide a short header on your art post (basic: made for thebigbangjob, for this fic by this author, the fic can be found here - include any warnings and a rating as necessary.)

If all else fails, look how I post my art as I have to go first ;)


As ever any questions poke us with a stick feel free to comment here or PM one of us moddly types.

Good luck everyone, and well done for sticking with us through everything, you crazy, awesome people ;)


!mod post, submitting!art, submitting!fic, year!2010, !important

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