67. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Well, to say that I did not enjoy this book would be a lie. At least part of me wants to say that it was utterly abominable, but the problem is just that I am not as knowledgable on the topics presented in this book to make a real judgment. However, I read this book because I am taking a class called "Gnostic Fantasies" this semester and my professor despises this book, and so much will be revealed for me over the next few months. So it may be fun to go back and read it again in six months with my newfound knowledge. As a piece of fiction, it was extremely well-done. It was gripping; I stayed up until 3 AM last night finishing it. To me it didn't even seem predictable, which is typically the downfall of contemporary fiction. The ending was predictable, but not in the sense that it destroyed the book by any stretch of the imagination. As an historical fiction piece, I'm not so sure. Yet.
454 pages/16283 total=109% of 15000
67 books=134% of 50
2005 Breakdown ~
Books I Own and Have Not Read