'Sorry people, I've taken a brief vacation from LJ. I'm alive. =)
My sister
misshoneybee tagged me for this ages ago, and I finally decided to do it...
List 10 things you are interested in/wondering about! And why, if you want to:
English/Grammar- Complete fluency in one language is all I ask of myself as far as languages go, though that’s not
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Ooooo. Yeah, hearing nothing would be excruciating. I'd probably miss the sound of people's voices and nature more than music at first, but after a while the absence of music would make the heart feel like it was trying to scream without a tongue. =P
I'm sure extrabiblical history is highly man-centered and skewed, but still I think the majority of the facts are left intact for us to glean from. Actually, probably with an understanding of fully accurate history and human nature from the Bible, we can internally correct much of the bias in historical accounts, separating the wheat from the chaff. But, clearly there's no great spiritual value in extrabiblical accounts.
Yup, your reasoning came across loud and clear. =) Although, I am partly sick right now, so there's the possibility that I didn't follow everything you said ... since my hearing is partly diminished.
Yes, your thoughts on talkativeness are right on the money, I think. There are different personalities and thus different ways in which interest in others may manifest itself. John and Peter in the Bible were both godly men who loved the Lord and were highly interested in Him, but they were different in how they communicated: Peter spoke a lot, while John seems to have listened a lot. Your point is well-taken.
Animals - especially cats. ;D LOL! U bet. Especially cats. =P Well, maybe. But for me that's because, besides cats, I've been practically "petless" my whole entire life. lol.
Lots of things aren't just for children. :D *chuckle* True, true. Discipline. Fun. Laughter. Playing. Singing. Running. Dancing (joyfully to the Lord). Crying. Wondering. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Absolutely right! The truth of God's existence is written on our hearts and spoken to us by creation, but that doesn't bring the change of heart that's needed. It reminds me of how that, in the story of Lazarus and the rich man, Abraham told the rich man that additional evidence as to the reality of hell wouldn't convince his brothers to repent. =/
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