Aug 12, 2006 17:54
Metonic Cycle - name given to the 19 year calendar produced by the Babylonians, with "intercalating" months for the first 7 years (13 months per year), and also for the remaining 12 (12 months per year). This cycle crudely followed the Lunar cycle and aided farmers and agriculturists of the time little in determining seasonal shifts.
Nilometer - a simple vertical scale on which the flood level of the Nile was yearly marked, serving as the first, yet primitive, calendar to follow the Solar cycle, rather than the Lunar. 12 months of 30 days each, with an added 5 days at the end, provided a useful calendar of the seasons.
Damn interesting stuff. Even though the moon is big and tends to manipulate the emotional state of some--not to mention it's tyrannical monopoly over the ocean (which is not a sad sight, but a very calming, and tranquil one) and the female menstrual cycle--it is shit for much of anything else.