Aug 04, 2007 04:10
I love dreams and how you can fool around with them as they go on. I wouldn't know how to explain what I mean. The other night I had a dream that these jimmy neutron looking planes were chasing us through my grandma's neighborhood. They were really roundish, all white, and their tips and wings were the perfect shade of red. Something was written on the sides of them in black. We ran from them for a long time, I'm always afraid to get hit by stuff in my dream because sometimes you can kinda feel it you know? But eventually one hit us and you know what happened? We got sunburnt. No explosion, just the feeling of being sunburnt on my face. A plane that hits you and gives you a sun burn instead of actually hurting you. How could I think of something like that? It's amazing how one night I can be running from planes and the next I'm hugging my Grandpa and walking back and forth in my hallway watching people take over my bed and be yelled at by my sister who tells me to turn on the news because Sumeyahs pregnant. Dreams fascinate me. My dreams fascinate me.