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Oct 15, 2005 03:33

so an initial terrible night yesterday turned into a great night and it is because of one person, nicholas john brodie. i love that kid, he really did turn my whole weekend around. last night (thursday) i was pretty bummed and he brought some booze and drove up here. i can't thank him enough. so he got here and we just hung around here and drank. it was fun. we also created our own drinking game which, i think, is going to sweep america by storm. we called it "the worms world party drinking game," catchy title i know. the rules are pretty simple, you lose a worm you drink! yeah i won by the way. that game did the job and afterward we were looking for girls to call, well since i am unattractive and unpopular i didn't have anyone to call. then we realized that it was around two o' clock, so i don't think we ended up calling anyone. then we went to bed, being the great host that i am gave nick my bed and i slept on the floor. i woke up by my roommates alarm around eight o' clock, about forty minutes later the alarm was still going off. my roommate wasn't here and his door was locked, so i couldn't turn it off, after forty minutes i was livid and i went to the electrical panel and turned off all the power to the outlets to all the rooms, luckily his clock was plugged into the wall. i think just to piss him off i am going to do the same thing to him, only i have a battery powered alarm, we'll see how he likes it. i probably won't do it, but i should. anyway, after that i went back to sleep, only this time i snuggled next to nick instead. i don't know when nick got up, but i woke up a little before noon and he was playing video games. sometime during the night we decided that we were going to go to the shooting range and shoot some skeet. so we took two cars and headed down to the hometown. shot some skeet, it was a lot of fun, even though i am absolutely terrible at it and missed almost all my targets. it was so damn hot there too. after that i went to millar's house so he could fix my sub, it stopped working a few days back. we tested the sub and amp and both work fine, we narrowed the problem down to a bad connection in the wiring or a back receiver. we re-wired everything and it still didn't work, so it's a bad receiver. when i get my new head unit that will solve the problem. i am going to get it next week, then i can install that and jamin's six by nine speakers in the back this coming weekend. i am really excited, it's going to sound great. then i left millar's house a little after five and went to a sports bar and met my parents and i watched the angel game with them for a little bit. angels lost which sucks. after an hour or so i left the bar and went to an awesome show, probably the best show i've been to in a long time. i saw bear vs. shark, the fall of troy and since by man. they were all awesome, i don't know who i liked the best, because they all played very well. i really enjoyed fall of troy, because this is the first time i've seen them live. they are so talented, i also got a really cool fall of troy shirt. this was by far the best i've seen since by man, i mean, they were good the other times, but tonight, wow. so much energy and, well, it was great. then we have bear vs. shark, what can i say? this is the third time i've seen them and this is the third time that i left the show completely satisfied. and another plus at the show was that i saw a guy that looked just like zach galifianakis! so that is basically last night and today in a nutshell. tomorrow and sunday i have nothing planned, probably just sit here and do nothing, have a few errands to run, but they aren't that important. hopefully i'll get a little studying done, i have a math test on monday, but i know the material pretty well, so i think i should be fine with a little studying and not a ton of studying. oh one last thing, well two things. i know not that many people read this, but i am just going to put it out there. next friday night (six days from now) i am seeing the appleseed cast at chain reaction and currently i have no one to go with, so if you like the appleseed cast (and all of you should) and are not doing anything friday night i would love some company. tickets are still available and are pretty cheap, probably around ten dollars. so just call my cell phone if you want to come with me. and lastly, vince and i are going to see the higher and umbrellas in fullerton on november ninth, so if you want to come with us to see them that would also be lovely. that about wraps it up, oh i might (big emphasis on the word might) have a small party (if you will) next saturday, so call me or something if you want to come. well, it's late, so i am going to go to bed.
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