The Week In Retrospect - Volume I: Check Please!

Aug 17, 2007 10:35

Nothing warms your heart more than to find a $400 check from one of your aunts awaiting you in your mail box. Nothing doubly warms your heart more than to find a $500 check from ANOTHER one of your aunts awaiting you in your mail box a couple of days later.

That's right; I'm $900 richer. My father's sisters are incredibly generous, and they both felt it necessary to give me money for extra college expenses... I'm overwhelmed, to say the least. Now I have enough dough to pay off the entire semester with a little to spare, and I'm searching for ways to thoroughly thank said aunts beyond the phone calls I've already made.

The postmistress at ATU finally dropped me a line. She said that she couldn't hire me due to scheduling conflicts... Blast! Tomorrow, I'll be dropping off an application at the library, though I don't expect anything from them.

I would approach Admissions and tell them about my stint as a BRTC Ambassador, but considering the size of ATU compared to my previous school, and the sheer number of prospective students that flow in every week, I don't want to bear that much responsibility.

Anyway, guess who developed a yeast infection around their blister beetle bite? I have never endured so much itching as caused by this nasty blemish. Apparently, applying anti itch cream over the bites in conjunction with band-aids was a BAD IDEA. The yeast infection encompassed the entire area the band-aids had covered when I went to the doctor on Monday to get checked out. I was given a steroid shot in the ass (which has lead to a damn near continuous sensation of blood rushing through my right leg) and prescribed a feminine yeast infection pill; I am a lady, after all. Ug. The infection is slightly smaller now, and tiny bits around the edges are beginning to peal off here and there - I sure wish this unsightly mark was already gone, though.

After that, I went with my parents to ATU to get my books for this semester; I had 12 books, guys! TWELVE TEXT BOOKS. Well, no, nearly all of them are novels for my literature classes. But still, TWELVE BOOKS FOR ONE SEMESTER! That's nothing short of ridiculous... The total cost for these tomes was around $300, which I guess isn't a bad deal, but I'm used to only paying $150-$200 for my books.

So, my parents found out yesterday that they won't get paid until the 14th of September. That means, basically, that they're fucked. They don't have nearly enough money to live on AND pay bills for an entire month. Curse Guy-Perkins and their lame "oh, by the way, we don't pay new teachers until the 14th of September, but we pay current teachers in mid August" decree. What's up with that? I offered some of my money to mom, but she's determined not to have any of it, although she is talking to dad about asking one of his sisters to give them a loan that they'll pay back next month. I'll keep you guys informed of this situation.

Well, that's all for this week's entry. Tomorrow morning I'll be heading to ATU to move into my dorm and participate in the five day Tech Connect program for new students. Classes start next Wednesday. Wish me luck, everyone!
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