Catching Up, Volume #...oh hell, I've lost count.

Aug 07, 2007 20:19

I now have a cell phone - a plan with Cingular that includes unlimited mobile to mobile and free nights and weekends (that's pretty standard now, right?)  So, if the two to three of you who actually still read this blog want my number, message me.

I also have a new lap top for school; I loves it.

In other news, everything with ATU has been sorted out.  Oh, and I'm applying for a position at the school post office.  Wish me luck, guys!

So, hey, have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be bitten by a blister beetle but were too scared to ask?  Well, you're in luck!

Yeah.  Last Wednesday I was driving through Searcy and I felt an intense stinging sensation on my left ankle.  I pulled off my shoe and sock and lo and behold there were two giant welts nestled just to the right of my ankle bone.  The sensation lasted for at least two hours, if not longer.  When I got home, I poured some alcohol on the bites which hurt like freaking hell.  Then, I administered some peroxide, which also burned but wasn't as painful, then washed my ankle, squirted some triple antibiotic ointment on the bites and bandaged them up.

On Thursday, upon inspection of the bites I noticed that they had turned a sickly yellow color, which had me more than a little concerned.  But, after some more healthy doses of peroxide, they turned a bright red.  At this point I was thinking I had been bitten by a mosquito from hell and was experiencing an allergic reaction.

Come Friday, both bites had shrunk in size, and I figured that everything would be fine.

Saturday, we were in Greenbrier on business, and we stopped at the pharmacy at which point my mother suggested that I have the pharmacist check out the bites.  The wise sage stated that it was not a spider bite, that my injury was most likely caused by a mosquito.

Everything was fine until Monday night, when suddenly the bites became inflamed, started to sting again, and red blotchy spots connected one to the other (this is where the above image comes in).  I bathed my ankle in warm epsom salt water, which stung like a mother, but the bath reversed the swelling and eventually eased the pain.  Then, I administered some vitamin E gel on the bites and put new band-aids on them.

Today, I went to the doctor to get checked out, fearing the worst.  I new that I couldn't have been bitten by a brown recluse, because such bites usually begin to rot the skin at around the 48 hour mark, but I was paranoid and thinking "oh God, it's too late, I'm gonna have to get a skin graft.."

But, as soon as he saw the wounds, the doctor said that I had been bitten by a blister beetle, and that the reason the wounds became inflamed last night was because my body was forcing blood to the bites to flush out toxins, or something to that effect.  He prescribed some medication and said that within three days the bites would scab over and should be healed completely in no time.

Here's the culprit:

I've seen a few of these around the house, but at the time I thought they were lightning bugs.  Beware the blister beetle (and keep in mind that this isn't the only species...they come in a variety of colors and markings)

And lastly, some videos

Resident Evil Numa Numa (Is it sad that I recognize every scene this video references?):

image Click to view

Half Life:  Full Life Consequences (this is what I was telling you about, Amy):

image Click to view

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