
Jan 24, 2007 01:49

I have split my livejournal into two parts

One part is this journal:

The next part is:

I realized that these journals have two completely different purposes. This "blog" is about me and my life. The BenseBuilt one will be about my projects that pertain to cars. Although cars are a big part of my life, these are more technical based. And many of the people that will be visiting my site for technical car stuff will probably have no interest in the lessons I'm learning in life. This reciprocal also applies. Those that might care to read about my "life lessons" will probably have no interest in my car projects.

Fair enough.

On the contrary, I've managed to catch a few wisecracks from the e-thugs on another forum about my "emo" writings. That's fine, I don't really care. I'm trying to be as honest as I possibly can with myself and others. I have emotions, I am going through a lot of change right now. Sometimes I'm very upset, sometimes I'm happy. It's part of life, I've grown to accept it. I cannot expect myself to be a emotionless soldier that does nothing but technical stuff. Although I feel that way sometimes, that's not me.
If you think I am less of a man because I am willing to lay these things out and place them on the internet, that's fine. It's a creative outlet for me, I could care less if you think that I'm some sort of "lesser man" for allowing myself to think such thoughts. It's very useful for me, I'm not trying to please people in which I don't know on the internet.

I'm a "white collar worker" that works in a office with computers.
...a "blue collar worker" that welds
...a "mechanic" that works transmissions and other mechanical stuff.
...a "hiphop enthusiast" that likes to play with lyrics and rhymes.
...a "skateboarder" that enjoys learning new tricks on a skateboard.

All of the above labels are worthless. They're just labels. I'm just me, I don't rest perfectly with any particular group. I'm not rejected by any particular group as a whole. No, I'm not a shapeshifter, I just enjoy lots of things as well as learning lots of things. Many of which have no relation to each other. I've grown to accept this. This is who I am, I don't have a problem with it. I'm just trying to push myself to the next level in just about everything that I do. I'm not trying to get to the top, I don't care about the top or any sort of competition. I'm not trying to be the best. I'm just enjoying the things that I'm doing and the things that I'm learning, but can't help but wonder where it might take me. Cheers
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