
Nov 10, 2003 17:43

here is a essay that i wrote on 10/30/03 in art history.....
Here are some Bible verses that mean a lot to me.
I honestly cannot fathom how anyone (including athiests) that is striving to be a loving person would not believe these verses to be true.

I Corinthians 13-4-8
Love is patient,
Love is kind
It does not envy,
it does not boast
It is not proud.
It is not rude
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily-angered,
it keeps no records of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.
It Always protects, Always trusts, Always hopes, Always perseveres.
Love Never Fails.
And now these three remain:
and love
but the greatest of these is love.

Romans 12:14-16
14 Bless those who persecute you
Bless and do not curse.
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice
mourn with those who mourn
16 Live in harmony with one another.
Do not be proud, but willing to
associate with people of low position.
Do no be conceited.

Romans 13:8
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the
continuing to love one another, for he
who loves the fellowman has fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:10
Love does no harm to its neighbor
There for love is the fulfillment of the law.

so how important is love?
heres what I Corinthians 13:2 says....
If I have the gift of prophecy
and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,
and if I have a faith that can move mountains,
but have not Love, I am nothing.

I have recently become interested in cars. There are so many branches and routes that one can take with an interest in automobiles.
One of the main routes that is frequently taken is a attention-seeking route that requires little knowledge and little skill. This includes (but is not limited to) clear taillights, big rims, lowered cars, neon lights, loud mufflers, big sound systems, and a bunch of other stuff that does nothing but draw attention.
Although the people with these vehicles may impress their buddies that are right there doing similar things with their own vehicles. While impressing their friends, everyone else could care less. Most of the time when one of these vehicles catches everyone elses attention, they nod their heads thinking "that is so ridicilious"
There is however another route that is taken (but not as much as the previous one.) This route requires lots of knowledge and lots of skill. Instead of trying to increse the amount of attention received. The main goal in ths route is to decrease track times. This includes (but is not limited to) vast internal engine work, very stiff suspension, sticky tires, upgraded brakes, and other things that go unseen to the untrained eye. Somtimes the owners of these vehicles are so hardcore that they remove all the crap from their vehicles that does nothing but weigh their cars down and increse track times. They remove the backseats, the dashboard, sometimes even the passenger seat. They remove power steering, their heater, their AC, all of the components that make up their stero system. They rip out all the carpeting and all the sound deadening material. They sometimes replace their spare tire, jack and wrench with one small can of "fix-a-flat." They'll take out their glass windows and replace them with lightweight lexan plastic. I've even heard of people removing their car battery and starting their car by popping the clutch.
If you asked someone from the "attention-seeking" route how to drive, they would probably describe how they lean their seats way back and drive around with their steros turned up and windows down.
If you asked someone from the second route how to drive, they might start describing the way weight shifts during cornering, acceleration, and deceleration.

Car-enthusists are similar to Christians.
Heres how:
There are more out there seeking attention. The "public" sees these entusiasts and they think something along the lines of "wow, what a bunch of morons, what in the world have they done to their cars?" The car-enthusiats that are in it for the attention make the REAL car-enthusiasts look bad. The enthusiasts that are REAL are the ones that don't care about the attention. They are in it for the love of their hobby.
There are a lot of Christians out there that are just seeking attention. The "public" sees these Christians and they think something along the lines of "wow, what a bunch of morons, what in the world have they done to their lives?" The Christians that are in it for the attention make the REAL Christians look bad. The Christians that are REAL are the ones that don't care about the attention. They are in it for the love of their God.
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