back in the states til 6/18

May 07, 2008 10:09

I have not checked livejournal since I left on 1/14 because I couldn't access livejournal from beijing. Even gladder couldn't help me. :(

ANYWAY I am back in pittsburgh with various activities (travel, parents, school work) scheduled for most weekends. I leave again June 18th, and then have plans to be in China til o about let's say december 5th or so.

and, this is super lame to do over the internet, and i left a lot of you messages over the phone about this because APPARENTLY people are at work around 10 am or some crazy shit :P but, Tyler and I are planning on getting married. :)

i still have my old number and my email is first initial last name at gmail, so if you want to talk with me while i am not 12 hours away please drop me a line.

And for everyone that I said i was going to send a postcard to, I am sorry I haven't sent you one yet, I was incredibly busy. X_x but as I will be going back soon, I will DEFINITELY send them off... once I get back. yes. :) again, sorry for being lame.

Also, if anyone else wants postcards, or if your address has changed, send me an email with your address... since I can't access LJ from china and look up your address. >.>

okay. love you all!
- rachael
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