Feb 11, 2007 19:13
pretty sweet weekend.
i had a long talk with the rents on friday night about visitng colleges.
they are actually very excited about it.
i'm going with a few other peeps to visit central over mid-winter break.
and then this coming weekend we're going to lansing to visit some family so my mom said we should go visit MSU.
so that's exciting.
and then we might take a trip down to indiana in a month or two to visit IU and Ball State.
it's just crazy.
how everything's happening at once.
next year at this time i'll probably know where i'm going to college.
i just can't wait to start my own life.
it's kinda bittersweet.
i have to leave this place and all of my friends and family that i love so much...
but i get to go to an all new town and have new...hopefully fun...experiences.
i'm just excited.