The Canoe

Jan 22, 2006 22:51

In high school, during "advanced swimming" class, we learned how to canoe.

While it seemed worthless and fun back then, I think I'm beginning to see its importance.

Here's how to canoe:

1) Choose your boat. Make sure she's sea-worthy. Choose your canoe partner. Make sure she's someone with whom you want to ride down the stream.

2) Enter the boat carefully. Jump in too quickly, you'll both get wet. Crawl in too slowly, and your boat might be too far down stream, leaving you at the dock.

3) Push off from the shore. Take your time in getting out to the middle of the stream. It's here that many canoe trips are ruined. Conversely, the first few strokes can often be the most memorable.

4) Enjoy the ride. It's most effective if you and your canoe-mate are on the same page. She should paddle on the opposite side, providing balance, or else you're liable to paddle in circles. With this, both people should know the strengths and weaknesses of the other. Good canoe partners also must have effective communication with one another. Also, grab a Yoo-Hoo from the cooler, shake it up, and partake.

5) Keep an eye out for obstacles. No stream is without rocks, logs, shallow water, and debris. Recognize these early, aim for the downstream V's, and your trip will be most pleasant.

6) Along the way, enjoy yourself...enjoy the sights, the sounds...enjoy the company of your canoe-mate.

7) All canoe trips comes to an end. As you pull your boat out of the water, reflect upon the trip. Give your partner a hug...for the hug will provide the exclamation point on your trip.

Thanks Mr. Weller. Your canoe lessons have come into play yet again...even in the middle of January.
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