Jan 16, 2009 18:08
Today I went to the Election Commission to EARLY VOTE~ on the Referenda. "No" to both, of course. (Google "english only nashville" if you're bored.) Mebbe I will Friend E--- C------ on teh FaceBook(tm) after the hoo~ha dies down.
I walked in @ 12:15, and only one person was in line ahead of me. As I left @ 12:45, there were so many people waiting that I asked one "are ya'll part of a bus tour?" Apparently the tides ebb and flow.
Brush With Greatness: As I was entering the actual Room For Voting In, congressman Bob Clement was leaving. He's a tiny little fella.
Now the fun part: Some time last year I lost my Voter ID card. (No, I don't know where or how.) So I axed my Registrar what to do. He sent me to the woman who was directing traffic. She told me what form to fill out. I did so, then stood in a line behind a guy who had the same form and was talking to a woman who was putting his info into the computers. Then the traffic-directing woman told me to go talk to someone else instead. That person said, "Oh, you didn't need to fill *that* form out at all. This is a totally different thing. Here, . . ." So I did that.
Ahh, sweet bureaucracy!