Beauty & The Briefcase

Feb 26, 2011 18:06

Time for another of my movies that I own but haven't seen until now.

Beauty & The Briefcase (2010)

Summary: Hilary Duff (can't remember her character's name... Lane!) is a freelance writer who dreams of writing for Cosmopolitan. She also dreams of finding her "magic man" (yes, that's a direct quote) who possesses the 10 items on her checklist for falling in love. When she finally gets a meeting with Cosmo, she's desperate to throw out a story idea they'll actually like. She'll get a job in the business world, date every man in the office, and find her "magic man" (because he must be hiding in the business world if she hasn't found him yet). She gets a job, dates a bunch of guys, falls for a guy who turns out to be lying (surprise! or not), and eventually falls in love with the guy who you knew she'd end up falling for - her cute and adorable boss who meets none of her checklist items.

Positives: The cute and adorable boss (Tom?) is pretty adorable. After 30 minutes into the movie, I figured she'd fall for him, and I was hoping it was true because I liked him. He was a normal and adorable guy. The kind of nice guy you hope you'll meet one day. Otherwise, it was a very cliche and cheesy movie. But it was enjoyable. And I smiled and laughed a few times (I think during Tom scenes). Oh, and her photographer roommate was kinda cool. It wasn't TOO unrealistic with office life (a bit, but not as bad as these TV movies usually are). Oh, and for some reason, I loved that Tom's nickname for Hilary Duff was "Ab Fab." OH! And the actor who played her co-worker/team member/desk mate was awesome. He played the character perfectly. He definitely stole most of the scenes he was in. And I loved how much he wanted a chair that spins.

Negatives: Hilary Duff acts just like Hilary Duff always does, and delivers 75% of her lines with the same smirk on her face. Her model friend had a horrible fake accent. The thing that sticks out as annoying me the most is how EVERY guy in her office (and there's lots of them) is single and ALWAYS checking-her-out/asking-her-out ALL. THE. TIME. It's seriously ridiculous. Most of the dozens (and dozens) of guys in her office are cute. And ALL of them are falling all over themselves to get with her. Seriously?!? It was ridiculous. And I don't understand the title of the movie. I know she gets a fab briefcase from her friends, and obviously the movie thinks she is the biggest beauty in NYC. I don't know... It's a play on Beauty & The Beast and the plot doesn't really have anything similar with Beauty & The Beast.

Keep or Toss: Keep. It was cute and I'd watch it again when I'm looking for a light and cheesy movie. Plus, I just have a digital copy, so it's not like I have a DVD that I could sell for money...
Rating: Eh, 3.5 out of 5. The boss is adorable and he makes Hilary Duff seem not too annoying.

400+ dvds project, movie: beauty and the briefcase, movies

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