Aug 03, 2009 09:56
Last night I was saying how I just wished I had Monday off ( IE today) because I wanted to sleep in. It seems my legs took the sentiment to heart this morning refused to accelerate past a casual stroll.
All the way to work my head was telling my legs "move it, you're late!" and my legs were saying " huh? I can't hear you"
I got to work 5 minutes late, I can walk here in 25 minutes if I want, 30 if I have time, but today it took almost 40.
here are the possible causes of my slow leg syndrome:
It's hot outside... I have no desire to eat anything other than ice. I am thinking of switching to an all liquid and gelatin substance diet to battle my meh feeling with the heat.
Last night I had a dream where this guy I know told me he'd call me. I woke up before he called me. When I woke up I realized I had only dreamed he said he would call me so it made me a bit sad.
Yesterday I spent most of the day standing and walking around in these slightly too narrow shoes. Our acapella group sang at the Toyonaka matsuri. I wish I had told more people about it so they would have come to watch. Some guy came up after and told us we were cool which was nice and a few people took pictures and videos of us. When I was a kid and did theater I used to get a bit of the butterflies before we went on stage. I totally don't anymore, I guess it is a side effect of teaching.
I think I will do that meme everyone is getting into recently. I will think about answers and maybe do it tomorrow.
slow leg syndrome,