Just some stuff I was thinking about this morning

Jul 29, 2009 10:54

It's hot. I like how everyone likes to say that as if it wasn't painfully obvious how hot it is. I wonder if there is someone out there who hasn't realized it is hot.

It is 32 degrees outside. That's celcius. I have no idea what that is in Farenheit.

I hate celcius. For example, if it were 27 degrees outside it would be rather pleasant, but 32 is hot. 5 degrees make a huge difference. Therefore I hate celcius.

I go shopping too much recently. I used to hate shopping. I hated trying on clothes. I thought it was just because it was a pain and there was always so much to try on. I realize how it was pain because I was huge. I was so fat that there was hardly anything that fit properly, things that did fit looked horrible most of the time. I used to blame this on the clothes for being made weird. I am still overweight, but I weigh at least 30lbs less than when I came here. Half the time now I can just go into stores and pick up shirts and tops and not even try them on and have them fit when I get home. I can't buy jeans here. I don't know if I ever will be able to buy women's jeans, maybe men's. Women's jeans are too short waisted, they don't even go up high enough to cover half my butt.

It is summer and that means no classes. I like having a break. I would prefer to have one day a week free of classes than having everyday packed with classes and then having these weeks of nothing. It is summer afterall, it isnt like there is a choice.

That's all for now.

life, shopping, work

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