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mollybeakers November 12 2013, 23:59:00 UTC
Shit. In this day and age, they'd either dose him with Ritalin or diagnose him with ADD and send him to counseling. Kiss the future Beatles goodbye...



jonesingjay November 13 2013, 00:20:39 UTC
Nah, there will never be another Beatles, not even close. I do get where you're coming from though. I can't imagine what John might've been like if he were given prescription drugs/counseling.

Hmmm...on second thought I know exactly what he'd be like...



mollybeakers November 13 2013, 00:29:05 UTC
We need a Beatle kid 10 commandments.

#1 - Thou shalt not butcher thy father's beautiful songs with your incompetence. Ever.

And a host of other mean things that come to mind that will definitely land me in hot water...



jonesingjay November 13 2013, 01:17:15 UTC
Feel free to scald yourself in the hot waters. It's been awfully quiet around these parts. Have at it. I encourage it.

Sean's cover charted, not well but it did. LOL.


mollybeakers November 13 2013, 01:35:18 UTC
Meh. While I generally can't stand Beatle covers, anyway, you'd think Sean would try for a more accurate version of the song. That said, he really has no choice but to put it down to individual artistry... or something because the original can't be achieved.

So. My answer would be to avoid it all together. Seems more respectful to me. The wavy note voice does not help it. Like hearing someone who can't sing our national anthem, and makes up for it by changing notes.

Whuts up with the Daddy get-up, anyway?? This has been mentioned before... but. ugh.



jonesingjay November 13 2013, 01:40:39 UTC
I brought up the video, but I'll give him something of a pass. It was the early 90s, and I'm sure a certain someone whispered into his ear in encouragement. LOL.

I'm reminded of a Julian interview with Howard Stern. He was speaking about Sean's album Into the Sun. He said that the finished version turned out quite different from what Sean had initially played for him. Julian was of the opinion that people had gotten to him (I wonder who...) and turned what had potential into something way different.

The older Sean becomes I think he tries whether it is subconscious or not to look like his father. Why? I don't know. Julian doesn't seem to take that path.


mollybeakers November 13 2013, 03:02:22 UTC
Yeah. Maybe shoulda waited for the girl voice to completely go away...

Julian. LOL! Good call, son!!! haha!

I think the look has a lot to do with the whispery thing, too. And it ain't ghost!John...



jonesingjay November 13 2013, 11:01:50 UTC
Well, if Julian is to be believed Yoko did try the look thing with him, and the poor lad felt pressured into it.

You know the story about Yoko wanting Julian to wear some of his father's things during one of Julian's stays at the Dakota after John's murder. She had him wear one of John's hats and scarfs. Very odd. Pretty sure he was made to give that back when they returned from photo ops.

If Sean wants to look like John...more power to him, but don't get pressed when people point it out dude. LOL. It is going to happen. You look like your dad, and you're adopting some of his style comparisons will happen.


mollybeakers November 14 2013, 01:44:38 UTC
I remember those pictures with the scarf and hat... if they're the ones I'm recalling, Julian looked downright miserable.

And you're absolutely right about the appearance thing, and being pissy about it. Just like these kids with faces full of fishing tackle who can't believe people stare. WHUT?

Whattaya mean WHUT? You look like an idiot, and I'm staring.



beagle_agent November 15 2013, 20:57:26 UTC
In this case the mother needs to be drugged!



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