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jonesingjay December 2 2012, 21:06:04 UTC
I'm not inclined to believe George would propose marriage to Pattie because he felt forced into it after receiving threats from anonymous people. I find YouTube can be a source of misinformation. Anyone with an agenda can state their opinion as fact and will argue strongly for it without any proof to back it up. Since YouTube wasn't made for discussions and has a set number of characters allowed for comment length I put little to what is said there.

Lets say for arguments sake that George and Paul were in fact receiving a great deal of threats. If that's the case why did Paul wait to propose to Jane Asher? Why didn't he get married sooner if he was in fear of his life? It just doesn't really make sense to me that either one of them would marry with the hopes that these alleged threats would cease the moment the news broke that they were married.

I'm not a George and Pattie stan by any stretch of the imagination. We all know George had plenty of affairs during their relationship, but I think George's reasons for marrying her have nothing to do with some disgruntled section of the public that George and Paul were sleeping around. Besides, wasn't that kind of thing kept quiet? At least in 1964 their image was of four relatively clean-cut lads from Liverpool. People weren't really tuned into their shenanigans at this point or I should say that it wasn't well known like it is these days?

Honestly, it sounds like someone is pushing a Joey Heatherton agenda and likes her paired off with George.

I think the argument of Joey being his pick of marriage over Pattie is flimsy at best.

Besides, if I'm going to play this game I'd pick Estelle Bennett as the girl George would've preferred over Pattie. I've just got a soft spot in my heart for Estelle and George. I don't claim my feelings to be true though. Just wishful thinking.


larainefan December 2 2012, 21:46:37 UTC
Yeah, I was just interested in hearing your thoughts, I have no preference one way or the other. It's interesting speculation at best. And yes, I know you have a thing for George and Estelle (They did make a very beautiful couple!) :) Actually, apart from this one person who keeps shipping George/Joey, there is almost no info on them dating, no articles, etc. I'm sure he was kind of into her at the time, just as he was into a lot of people, apparently. If anything, it shows he was indeed too young to settle down. Sadly, he exhibited the same behaviour with Olivia. I think George wanted to find true love but I'm not sure he ever really found it with a person, he preferred an abstract cosmic love over close individual soul-mate type love. Almost as if he felt love at a distance was safer, or something,


jonesingjay December 2 2012, 23:45:53 UTC
For me George's beliefs on love have been confusing for me. It makes me question how genuine he was with it. I'm not saying he is incapable of love, but his ideals on love certainly gave him plenty of room to play around. And, it makes me think "How convenient." being able to cheat without guilt (not saying that George didn't struggle with guilt and his desire). It just seems selfish to me for him to do as he pleased while he could/would be wounded by being cheated on by others.

I don't want to make excuses for George, but it seems that fame at such an early age shaped his views on sex and relationships. And, hey it was a different time, etc. Although I ship George and Estelle I didn't make my newest story about George and Annette. I wanted to challenge myself and have John and Paul be the leads. Sorry, I went off on a bit of a ramble there.


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jonesingjay December 18 2012, 10:25:43 UTC
I think at the time George felt he was in love with Ringo's wife Maureen. I'm not sure as he looked back on that period of his life if George truly felt he was in love with her or the idea of the life he could have with Maureen.

She had three boys with Ringo and was a devoted wife to him. While George at this point had no children and was having troubles with his wife. The grass probably looked greener on his mate's side.

I think Maureen and George bounded and feelings were developed. I'm just unsure of whether or not it was really love. Some times I think it was but for me with George it's hard to tell if he got that feeling of a close bound mixed up for more. All speculation on my part, but what do you think?


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