Jun 29, 2008 01:00

Biamban- Master
Wyrra-warre- The sky

Ile- Ground
Ile-Gbigbona- Hot Ground
Ile-Titu- Cold Ground
Olode- Owner of the Public

Aarbei- Strawberries
Appel- Apple
Aspirien- Aspirin
Asseblief- Please
Badkammer- Bathroom
Baie dankie- Thank you very much
Bak- Bowl
Bed- Bed
Bier- Beer
Boot- Ship
Bord- Plate
Botter- Butter
Brood- Bread
Bus- Bus
Chopsticks- Chopsticks
Dames toilet- Ladies' toilet
Dankie- Thank you
Drie- Three
Druiwe- Grapes
Een- One
Eiers- Eggs
Fiets- Bicycle
Glas- Glass
Goeie middag- Good afternoon
Goeie more- Good morning
Goeie naand- Good evening
Hallo- Hello
Hospitaal- Hospital
Hotel- Hotel
Huis- House
Huurmotor- Taxi
Ja- Yes
Jammer- Sorry
Kaas- Garlic
Kaffir- Heathen
Koffie- Coffee
Komkomer- Cucumber
Koppie en piering- Cup and saucer
Kredietkaart- Credit card
Lemoen- Orange
Lepel- Spoon
Links- Left
Mango- Mango
Mans toilet- Gents' toilet
Melk- Milk
Mes- Knife
Motor- Car
Nee- No
Paspoort- Passport
Pere- Pears
Piesang- Banana
Pomélo- Grapefruit
Pruim- Plum
Regs- Right
Roosterbrood- Toast
Rys- Rice
Sampioene- Mushrooms
Soetmielies- Sweet corn
Sleutels- Keys
Stort- Shower
Strand- Beach
Suiker- Sugar
Suurlemon- Lemon
Tamaties- Tomatoes
Tee- Tea
Telefoon- Telephone
Tot siens- Good-bye
Trein- Train
Twee- Two
Ui- Onion
Vis- Fish
Voortrekkers- Boers
Vork- Fork
Waar is die bank?- Where is the bank?
Waar is die tasse?- Where are the suitcases?
Water- Water
Wortel- Carrot
Wyn- Wine


Bar- The bright; Living
Nin-ib-The Lord
Uras- The shining

Mirëmëngjes- Good morning
Përshëndetje- Hello

Algonquin- Language
Dzhe- Good
Dzhe Manito- The Good Spirit
Iroquois- Terrifying man
Manito- Spirit
Manitos- Spirits

Chih- Mushroom
Chin- Gold
Feng- Wind
Feng-shui- Wind and water
Hu-li- Foxes
Hung- Red
I-Ching- Book of changes
I-Ging- Book of changes
Ku- Mushroom
Ky-lin- Unicorn
Ju-i- Scepter
Li- Pear; Separation
Mi- Honey; Pleasure; Sexual pleasure
T'ien-chi- Sky-rooster
Wan tsu- Swastika

Ais- Brain
Ben- Sacred stone
Neb- Gold
Nefertiti- The beautiful one has come
Nub- Gold
Nubia- Land of Gold
Sia- Consciousness

Tholos- Round building

Chaturanta- Having four sides

Koki-teno- Were-foxes

Ehecatr- Wind

Beth-El- The house of God

Corune- A crown
Papir- Paper-reed

Cen- Man
Henge- Gallows

Ahalan- Hello
Alaikumas salam- On you be peace
Almaaz- Diamond
Ar-rimal- The sands
As fa- I'm sorry
Bi kam?- How much?
Bint- The girl
El-Khudr- The Green One
Farha- Joy
Haba- Morning Star
Hird- Sun
Hukka- Casket; Jar
La- No
Lu'lu- Pearl
Intifada- Uprising; Shaking off
Jebal- Mount
Kharas- Deal done
Koran- Recitation
Leyh?- Why?
Nakba- Catastrophe
Rahim- Womb
Rub' al-Khali- The Empty Quarter
Sada- Moon
Sahel- Shore
Salaam- Peace; Hello
Salam alaikum- Peace be on you
Sawahil- Coast
Shuk ran- Thank you
Sultan- Ruler; Emperor; King; Padishah
Tulip- Turban
Wa-ra!- Get back!
Yaqut- Ruby

Abhada kedhabra- Disappear like this word
Gamlá- Camel; Rope
Ma'mon- Riches
Naggar- Joiner; Cabinet maker; Master builder

Guecubu- The Wanderer Without

Tor-tor- Ghost
Wa Cinaci- Master
Wa Murreta Kwonci- Great Father

Babas- Father
Barev- Hello

Talin Ch'iltant Ht'ana- Where we found a whale

G'day- Hello; Good day

Der Orden des Goldenen Vliesses- The Order of the Golden Fleece
Die Klauende Adler- The Talons of the Eagle
Schmetterling- Butterfly

language, a

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