First Posting

Mar 14, 2004 15:57

Well, I guess I decided to do this journal thingy....seems like a good stress reliever, joke creator, shit like that....instead of writing a FULL daily journal of my life, I will write a few words about my day, and then write to responses or questions you have.....SO LEAVE ME QUESTIONS OF THOUGHT that you would like an opinion on....more like a Dear Bear, like Dear Abby, this has been a low weekend.....I was sick on Saturday, thankfully that is over! I am quite excited for today! Even though my day is starting and its like 3pm. oh well! needed the sleep.....more snow tonite and wed/thurs!!! woo hoo!!! I have to say I love snow, but then again I love the beach and warm room is rearranged!! looks much better, more space in this 12X8 foot closet....oh well, the fun of college life I guess....

Ok so this is where you come in!!! Respond to this entry and leave questions of thought for me! I will respond daily!

Ciao For Now!
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