Apr 27, 2005 20:32
I can't believe Jared's leaving tomorrow. For the whole summer and maybe the fall, too. I'm really going to miss him! It's not the same without Jared demanding taco bell, or telling everyone how high he is or how they are too high, or how he's going to "kill that kid" or just chilling and talking- you get my point. I am going to miss him. He cracks me up.
He is going to come back and visit over the summer, and most of the boys are staying up here so we'll hang out with them. They need us now, anyway, lol. Oh to be a hustler... And we have promised Jared that we're going to visit him. Stay in the guest house out by the pool, drive golf carts up to the country club and drink, smoke on the beaches. Canyou see why he wants to chill there all summer long? and as soon as that invite came in I jumped on it. the sooner the better. i need BEACHES.
But we are still sad. So tonight, we are going to sit on the couch one last time, the mini-crew, and we are going to get sill stoned with our biss. How? Well I thought we should roll out the red carpet, so we are freaking a Dutch. For about 8 of us. That's ridiculous. That's 10 grams. A quarter is 7. That's about a $120 blunt. Are we paying that? Nooo. But we are smoking it and it is going to be phenomenal. It;s going down pretty soon, actually. Drinking will be had- is already being had for a few of us, as a matter of fact. And then we are all going to see if we can propel ourselves off the couch to go to GC ladies night. either way it should be a bittersweetly fun night.