Apr 12, 2006 01:06
Well now wasent that fun! =] spending loads and loads of time on trains and subway to see long lost friends = gr8 =] dont think ive talked about my new job on lj yet =] ben works @ da pizza factory ! wewt! tossing pizzas is fun! the only thing that sucks about it is that im the new kid on the block there and everyone else is like 10x better @ it than me, cept the other new kid, hes like way more noob, he asks ME to save his effed up pizzas =] and zomgz element is back niggs =] but this time, in SOURCE! wewt ip is or elementclan.nuclearfallout.net i think... might be clanelement, try both, but the reg ip worx =] but yeah, i fixed it up all spiffy and sutch, its got bank bounty and bet! =] it wtf pwnts cuz the admins get like custom skins w/ the word admin writen on it which i think is totaly cool =]. and hmm, what else, umm i actually got a response from christine that wasent "i hate you" which was nice, and umm hmm me and mike had lonnnnnngggg bonding sessions at his house which i love doing makes me so happy to actually spend time with a friend that i grew up with, me and him missed out on so many years and now we get to catch up and just hang out and talk all the time, and it makes life wonderful, gives a reason to get up inthe morning again, and omg i went hiking w/ the gang and we went up way high and it was super cool cuz we could see like all of hwood and sutch and it was omg hax cuz i loved the view up there. o and omg ryans a dousche bag and bought a game card for me that was ALREADY OPEND!! WTF MATE! hopefully itl work or he can exchagne it -_- which would be gay if i just wasted 30 bucks. but w/e ive wasted more money on more pointless things blah. people on vent are calling me, peace.