Mar 12, 2005 11:22
You know, I had Bruce Willis appear in another one of dreams this week. He was hanging out with Madonna at Becketwood, the retirement community my grandma used to live in. I think it was the fourth of July.
So, U2 is coming to town. BONO! I will pay over $10 to see that concert! If I win this Cities 97 thing where you go to Ireland to see U2 in concert this June, I think I will take my dear friend Jimmy Carter. Sorry Topher, but you called Bono a chode once. I can't have that sort of a liability hanging around when Bono and Pallavi and I become best friends. He might get angry and not let us go to his secret mansion on the moon. I bet all the cool people are there, like the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson and former treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton. Now that would be a duel I'd pay over $10 to see!
I only have seven or eight weeks until I get to see the beautiful, hypedermic needle filled coastlines of New Jersey! It will be like traveling to the Serghenti to see lions in their natural habitiat, except New Jersey has mullets instead. Topher says it wouldn't be wise to photograph these magnificent beasts, for they could become angry and defend their young. I don't know about you, but I don't want one coming after me with a lead pipe they found at their rumage yard/home!
To all, I invite you over tonight for a delicious feast of pizza rolls. Tomorrow, we will dine yet again, only this time there will be turkey and it's partners in food. Farewell for now - I am off to the mall today to take a survey.
Mily/The Bean