13/01/2007 - Heading Out To The Highway

Jan 13, 2008 23:04

Hail! Hail! Hail and kill!

Hail to you all, my friends. Long time no update. I had every intention of doing at least one every week, but meh. Never-mind.

Tomorrow is the first day on my unit 4 placement. I'm feeling a little anxious. Not because I'm going to meet a load of new people for the first time but rather because I'm not entirely sure where I'm supposed to be going. I know of the building so I can't go too wrong. After this first day I should be fine. I'm looking forward to knuckling down. This placement takes place in the community. In that I go to peoples homes to do mah thang. I don't think I'll like being off a ward. As in I think I'll prefer the ward area as to other peoples homes. Although to deliver nursing care in someones own home is actually a privilege as far as I'm concerned.

On the gaming front I'm still paying a lot of attention to WoW. I'd be on my 360 but Amy is still playing my copy of The Orange Box. That and GTA 4 isn't out yet. I'm looking forward to that game something fierce.

I decided to use my iPod Nano in the end. I hate everything about this piece of trash. But since I'm desperate for an mp3 player I'm going to use it. For those of you interested in everyday psychology there's an interesting radio show hosted over at  their website: The Positive Mind. It's decent stuff too. Not that kind of abstract bullshit you'd expect at university but really down to earth stuff. The Jan 10th, 2008 episode is an interesting one. it looks at attraction between humans.

Anyway I am off to bed now. Laters all. .o/

radio show, psychology, placement, gaming

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