Nov 02, 2005 15:03
so today is November 2nd 2005 im a senior in highschool,shits going
good. so far. no chicks only one but its been an off and on deal
for a while,and i dont know the stats about it. anyway. i was behind in
english class and didint really give two shits about it. but i want to
get the hell out of that school and onto new things. my guess my lack
of motovation would be the drugs but im trying to be smart about um.
last weekend i only got drizzed so thats not so bad. noit at all man.
i got arrested and had to do community service it sucks but now
im done and dont have to go to court again so thats wicked good. the
month of october just passed us by now its wonderfully november the
leaves are changing and shit. the halloween show was good but i
wouldent fuckin know, becuase i didint go it ended up snowing that
night which is kinda cool but not really. i hung with my best buddy
benny c who i love dearly and we got zooted up, like we awlays do. i
love that kid. alot. alot alot. ooo halloween was monday and me mike
and joe and danny the fucking man went trick or treatin we got so much
fucking candy we walked so far and somehow my knees still hurt.
i got fucking lousy work today im begging to really hate the village
market i want to leave and work at a place up in cohhast where
its not much better pay but at least its not the market. Jim sucks and
so does the deli i think the things that drive me the most fucking
crazy is that the place is so fucking unorganized and it pissed me off
and nobody picks up aftte tthem fucking self. the manager the fucking
assainst manger pricks and make stuupid shit. fuck fuck fuck that
place. i want to leave it behind and fucking make it look like shit.
ive been trying to leave it looking shitty so maybe i can get fired but
it dosent seem to be happing i thik we so fucked on workers that we
cant spare anyone. there is a restrant in the harbor "petie paris" ive
herd its wicked shitty and all the mangers are all douce bags but its
fucking better than the fucking marker.
im wicked bitter latley i dont know why, i dont like being alone not
having anyone and fucking everything and especially living in this
fucking house. fuck them. i want to get out of here and maybe go to
college i need to take the SATS. and maybe get into the a college
somewhere around maine or cape cod. im hoping maine. i want to major in
either Computer Tech or early child develpment, only becuase we have
been working with lil kids in my class with ben and its been alot of
okay im done.