1. Sue used to be such a spazzy little dork on the court, all jumping up and down and making faces like the one in my icon. I was rewatching some old footage and it was really striking. Because she doesn't do it much these days. She's so cool and collected and smooth these days. Like after hitting a ridiculous game-winner she just grins once and then goes serious again, "GUYS, 2 SECONDS LEFT, FOCUS. DEFENSE." It's hot, but I miss the spazzy dork sometimes.
Lauren likes GLEE. ...I can't even. Why do all our players have such bad taste? I thought Lauren was better than this! Sue has corrupted her, apparently.
3. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up tomorrow and it would be July. WNBA season would have started, I'd be done with my stupid job, and I'd be either traveling through Europe or following the Storm around. April and May are going to be so long. Sigh.