So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr) it’s way into making me a director for it, it tend s to get a bunch from me. However with Hamacon growing and me pilling more and more onto the director plate, it was getting harder and harder to get panels ready. This year was, theory, supposed to be different. This year we introduced the idea of “Featured Panelists,” where we would bring in some of the best panelists we know to help fill up the schedule. For Hamacon 4 we decided to kick it off with the Anime World Order folks, since they do some of the best. And they did a whole bunch for us this year, that we awesome and amazing. Did that end up with me doing less panels, though?
Of course not!
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