Accident last night, X-11 was brutal injuried.

Nov 29, 2007 11:56

Stupid young punk kids! While leaving Duncan's last night, I was passing in front of the mall and just entering the intersection when a green cutlass(?) pulled right in front of me. Could not stop in time and we bumped noses. I don't like that T-intersection since it harder to see the light coming around the bend and I almost ran the red light once, so I doublechecked the light color and a car turned right a few seconds before I was going through. Pieces of his car are EVERYWHERE and mine is badly bend up! late 90's plastic vs MOSTLY METAL ain't pretty! I can't drive, but claim victory ;) It was a low hit, so the RARE Hood was not cracked.

Kid claims he had the green arrow.... wonder why he did not follow the guy that turned before him if that was the case and he had his friend who was following him as a "witness". Sure he going to back a complete stranger....

It gets better, since police, fire guys, and ambulance shows up. My leg is killing me, but I just locked up my brakes and got hit while doing that! Nothing broken, blood pressure is fine, and I am a bit shaky at that point.

I come back out after saying no to hospital visit (nothing falling out or apart), help clean up a few pieces and push over his light bezel that ended up in front of my car, find that the kid is being arrested, mommy & sister has shown up and get into a fight with a cop, looks like no insurance and drug used detected before accident (I think weed). My uncle cop is sure they believe he was at fault and his "friend" does not seem to around anymore with his envelop of insurance papers and stuff. I let my friend hold my car reg and insurance all the time so I have to get when I need it.... DOH!! Thank you for upgrading to FULL TORT and UNINSURANCED MOTORISTS about six weeks ago!

Mad at the towing company who charged $125 to move my car over to the lot and had my friend flatbed me back to Millvale. Rather have the car nearby and
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