This year's been great apart from this horrible not-that-bad-but-LINGERING COLD OF DOOM! Going on for two whole weeks now. Go away!
Anyway! Other than that it's been lovely; I had a little party on Christmas Eve Eve with lots of pressies, food and drink, old friends and new friends - I saw my friend Leslie for the first time in ten years, with her gorgeous little boy. Then I had my usual three Christmas days with all the folks, all my presents went down well, I received some great things in return, then my evenings were spent in my beautiful house recharging with Didz, fat Coke, cake and ALL THE EASTENDERS.
And now for 2013. Oh fuuu-. I hope:
- that I don't have ANY ILLNESS WHATSOEVER.
- that I am fully organised and no longer sleep in and then have to rearrange everyone etc...
- ...and furthermore, stop missing all the fun ballet fun.
- that I make lots of money.
- we have many gigs, larks and wondrous band-related thrills.
- that I am the embodiment of energy, fitness, fun and mental health.
- that I feel more like writing in my journal! So much was missed this year.
Anyway, need to go and buy VEGETABLES. T'ra journal, and have a good New Year! I'll be back with the classic end-of-year meme at some point. Probably.