Sep 04, 2012 23:03
I saw my lovely doc today, and he definitely made me feel my age (I was 31 yesterday but shhh) - he's started to encourage me to do breast examinations. Felt old, but same time, teeheeheee. He said 'breast'.
SO ANYWAY. We talked a little bit about my failbody. I told him about my concerns re: chronic fatigue, and he said that it doesn't sound like that's the case, as 'with all the things you've got going on it's no surprise you're bloody knackered', and he's not surprised that the car crash 'knocked me for six; it sounds like you were at the limit, and something had to give'. My second blood tests were clear so he thinks it was probably a viral infection that knocked it out of me for a while. My lymph nodes aren't swollen any more and I'm not as tired all the time either, so it probably was just a random illness. Thank doG for that.
Re: diet - well, of course all the good intentions went out of the window, because it was nearly my birthday and I knew I'd be getting loadsa caek and PACKETS O' SWEETS, which I did. Two massive tubs (thanks Nik) and a big box of Maltesers (classiiic birthday gift, and gone already, thanks K8 & Dad), a massive chocolate cake (classic Nan), a box of Thorntons from my auntie Della 'n' co, a bag o' lollies from Tam... not to mention the party food, of which I had leftovers, and I was trying to hurriedly consume/palm them off on to everyone else (i.e. people at GSF) yesterday, so I could go back on the Diet today. I did well - I forewent proper meals in favour of Maltesers and Thornton's for breakfast and cake for dinner - and now all I have left are the sweeties from Nik and Tam, and I'm sure they'll keep until I'm slim again, and totally free of the impulse to over-eat and sugar addiction, and will only require one or two at a time (lol, no)...
I know the trick is to stop the sugar and carb-fests, because when I did it on a trial a couple of weeks ago I felt amazing, and it really stopped that compulsive urge to overeat. Right now, after this past week of non-stop NAUGHTY foods, I have IBS all over the place and my weight has shot up, and I just know I will get diabetes or some other horrible disease before long if I carry on like this. SO. NO MORE. I actually have a picture of my Fat Self on my desktop to put me off going down to the fridge, and there are pictures of sexy svelte ladies hanging in my kitchen. DO NOT OVEREAT DAMNIT. I've put on two stone since going on pizotifen. Gurl, you gone right back to 2008 hate hate hate. :(
stop overeating gemsy you wanker,
i predict a diet