23. Three achievements you’re proud of
My business, my doggies,
Puppet Love.
24. Your political views
Do what you want; don't be a c*nt.
25. Your religious beliefs
Strictly sciencey. BUT. There may be a spark of consciousness in us that can carry on after death if we work hard enough together to develop our minds enough to let that spark grow...
26. Your perfect night out
It would start in the late afternoon - we'd go to the theatre and watch a brilliant ballet or play, then we'd go to a restaurant and have a fabulous dinner with lovely wine and conversation, then an epic gig with no boring moments by a band I love and I would go absolutely nuts down the front, then a club where we would drink moar and I can dance to all my favourite songs until kicking-out time when we would go outside and find a fairground and we would go on all the rides and shout 'BRING IT!' until the morning.