That damn song has been in my head all day. It will make me crazy, I swear.
I'm reading Michael Palin's diary and he's recorded everything, and it reminded me that that's how this thing used to be - a proper personal journal. I want to look back and remember what I actually got up to each day as well as just what I thought about things at the time. I felt the need to get back into doing a running commentary on my life, rather than trying to be interesting.
So yeah: I woke up to a bright blue sky and a text from Blue's owner to say he wasn't going to come to daycare anymore, cried a little bit about that, tried for Rage tickets, didn't get any, went to clean my favourite customers' house, walked Zac, visited Leeps at his house, visited my sis and G and Little D who is really poorly today (she's teething, bless her, and is SO miserable. Made me sad to see her so upset, because she's such a happy girl normally!) Then I got back in my car and headed for home, sat in a traffic jam for a bit, cried (again) because I live on the other side of town and it's miles away from people and I have no money, got over it, found a quicker route home, gave the boys bones for dinner that were bigger than their heads, had a look at what's available online jobs-wise (nowt), chatted to Popey about a new website, and then Olly MSN'd to say he'd got me a Rage ticket, bless his face. Anna came home and cooked us some stir-fry and noodles, then we had lolz and
ROADWORKS KICKED OFF. RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR NOW TESTIFY. They're still going on now! The windows are rattling!
I feel a bit better about the whole money/K9 fiasco. I recently got a £400 bill from Peugeot whittled down to £70, so if I have to, I'm prepared to fight K9 as well. Goddamnit. Besides, they can't have what I haven't got.