Sep 28, 2008 10:42
Yes, there was another knob in the Hobbit last night. I sat down at the piano and was quietly playing along with QOTSA on the jukebox. QUIETLY. I could hardly hear it at all. Everyone was drifting off home and winding down - it was 3am and my friends and I sat down with our last orders and it was just... nice. Quiet. Then this (loud) guy who was sitting on the next table over said, "Oh do you mind shutting up that racket, we're trying to talk here." I laughed and carried on, thinking he was just kidding around, oh the banter etc. But then he made another comment about me being shit, etc, etc. Just trying to be heard. Maybe his girlfriend was ignoring him or something. Idiot. So I said, "We're hardly being loud. We're talking at normal volume here, so there's no reason why you can't, all the way over there."
"It sounds bloody awful from where I'm standing."
"You can hardly hear it! We're not doing any harm. You weren't even sitting here before anyway."
"Er, we've been here for about five hours actually."
"Oh right, maybe it's time you moved on then."
Then he accused Tammers of looking like she was about to punch him, and she was like, "Maybe I will..." all evil-like. Haha. We all laughed and we carried on as we were, then a few minutes later he piped up again, "I'm sensing some bad vibes here." No shit? I snapped, "Yeah right there's bad vibes, that's because you're being a tosser!" I stomped off to the loo. When I got back they'd gone - my friends told me that the guy's girlfriend had got in a huff with him for being rude to us. Rofl.
Why do I attract this shit? Can people really not stand to see me having a laugh? I was crying again by the time we got home. Stupid drink, stupid lack of sleep, stupid emotions, stupid missing people.
my life is a total lol you guise,