Last night we went out and ended up arriving at the Dungeon just as it opened. So much for staying at the Station for audible lulz - the Dinge is loud and dancey and I fancied a talky night - but everyone was in the mood for partying. Well, Jeannie was and it was kinda her night anyway, 'cause I had my night out last Saturday, and the last time she had a night out was my sis's wedding in November last year! She was on top form and much joy was had by all. Our joint birthday parties are usually banging. She started as she meant to go on, mixing her drinks, dancing with glowsticks, making people in the garden guess her age and telling them all, "I've got a three-year-old child!" Drunk!Jeannie is brilliantly funny. At one point Jeannie,
sessal and I were on the dancefloor when NIN's Closer came on, so we instantly started dancing OTT 'sexy', as all the girls do. "OMG CLOSER BY NIN!" We shouted, "I'M THE SEXIEST, LOOK AT ME!" and made everyone laugh. We finished up doing the Macarena to it. Goodtimes. People take that song so seriously. DANCING SEXY FOR TRENT IS SRS BSNS.
I was really paying attention to the people down there last night. It hasn't changed in ten years. The 'scene'. There was one guy in a sleeveless t-shirt staring at himself in the mirror, and Mikey and I were watching him all night. In hysterics. There was a girl in the toilets (who had on a simple brown vest top and nice trousers and ballet pumps) shouting, "I don't normally wear this down here, I don't, I had to go out for a meal earlier, that's all, I usually wear neon pink tops and black skirts, honest!" I just wanted to tell her to get over it! Jesus. I've never given a shit about what I wear down there - that's the beauty of the place! You can turn up in trainers and trousers one week, and a smart dress and knee-high boots the next - like I did last night! I was still up there on my own dancing to Rage and I bet some proper 'scene' people were thinking, lol she looks like she's been Gok'd. In the past I'd feel the need to make an effort and we would get what we would laughingly call 'goffed up, innit' but most of the time I used to just wear jeans and t-shirts. Nowadays I dress up nicely but it's not really in a certain style. I experiment and keep it quirky but it's usually something I'd feel comfortable in in either the Dinge or any other pub/club. Well, you all know the sort of thing I wear; nowt particularly 'far out' anymore, thanks Mum. Haha.
Anyway, that's nothing to do with anything.
My favourite Dungeon people are the nerdy metal fans. The ones you can sit down with and start singing along to a song, and they'll say something like, "This song's got to be ten years old by now?" or "I saw them live in 2005." And I'll be all, "ME TOO, AT READING THIS YEAR!" and they'll say, "FUCK YOU, I wanted to go to Reading this year." And we'd start talking about Metallica and someone'd say something about Lars being hilarious and we'll all laugh and then we all guess what year Rob Zombie's Hellbilly Deluxe came out (I was right; 1997. I seem to have an odd aptitude for naming years of albums. Years in general, actually...)
Woah, I've been going there for ten years. 17-27 years old. The Dungeon Years. Haha. And all those nights down there merge into one. Last night was yet another night of dancing, drinking and silliness blurred into all the other nights of dancing, drinking and silliness at that godforsaken place. I thought I'd be past it by now. I'm feeling my age, haha. Today I seem to be really tired, but not hungover. I drank a heck of a lot last night but it didn't affect me that much. I swear I just dissolve substances before they have an effect on me. Let's see - I'm not one to boast about my intake of anything (in fact that habit is a pet hate of mine), but I have a point: 2 cans of Carlsberg at home, 3 pints of Carlsberg, 1 bottle of Magners, 1 Archers and lemonade, 2 brandy and cokes, and at one point I had a stolen whisky from someone. Ugh. I was only happily merry. Ain't never right, mush.
Tonight I was meant to go and do a music quiz with Nik and G, but the dogs ate my glasses. I'm furious.