Jul 01, 2008 21:02
... only to be greeted by Reception Bint looking quite chuffed with herself saying, "Kay's here. She's in the kitchen and would like to talk to you." I grumbled the word "cheers" at her and signed in. Kay appeared at the door, I apologised, nothing more was said - up yours Reception Bint - and she told me the reason she was there was because they'd had two complaints:
1. The fridges hadn't been done on Friday,
2. A bit of the reception area had been missed, and was dusty.
Now, as I had in fact done my job properly thankyouverymuch, I indignantly showed Kay my sparkling fridges and nothing more was said. I don't do reception, so it was obviously Chris who'd been 'naughty'. When she turned up, even later than me haha, she was 'told off' (i.e. not really, Chris and Kay just got a cloth and wiped the missed shelf in the fridge). The problem in reception turned out to be a tiny, invisible, dusty ledge. Chris didn't even know it was there.
Now, the receptionists are often there for a good hour after we arrive. Chris chats to them all the fucking time. So instead of politely asking Chris (who works bloody hard) if she wouldn't mind perhaps dusting that poxy little ledge, they complained to Martin the facilities manager, who most likely phoned the GSF head office and bugged Iain, who most likely stopped making his contract tenders (haha, he took over my job) to call Kay, who had to take time out of her fully-packed schedule to come all the way from Portsmouth to our site to sort us out. And it probably messed up her family/dinner arrangements. Knowing Kay she'd probably been working since 4am, and had finally got home. So that's over four people put out because the fucking stuck-up cows couldn't make a simple, quick request to the cleaning lady. Isn't that just pathetic? All I see there is a bunch of precious, holier-than-thou prickpripes yet again trying to get one over on the little people.
My phone rang several times while I was vacuuming, and each time I answered the phone (hands-free). Everyone ignores me anyway so I can get away with it. I stood in the IT section and said as many words like "system" and "error" and "operating system" and "intermanets" and "policy" as I could. Then I picked up a stuffed Linux penguin and was all, "Yeah I'm at work, I better go and stop fondling this Linux penguin."
I would say I don't know why I have this insatiable need to show everyone I'm not just a cleaner. But I do know; it's because I want them to know that people aren't below them in any way just because they're not wearing a tie! Especially that teenager who looked at me all snobbily and snorted when I dropped my hoover. Ugh. Yeah love, when I was your age I did work experience in an office too. Now I'm cleaning up the faeces of two species and ain't got two pennies to rub together.
WOOHOO, there goes my inner chav again!
my inner chav,