May 07, 2004 14:14

You have a twisted soul! Twisted Souls are never
bad, and actually, are a rarity amongst souls.
These souls are a little combination of
everything, with always a little of their own
chaos to add. Twisted Souls are kind, loving,
weird, zany, temperamental, and very talented.
They have their own firm opinion, and can at
one time be very outspoken and passionate, and
the other time shy and feeling insignificant.
Twisted Souls have good senses of Humor and
other times can be a bore. You can act quite
intelligent at one time, and grasp concepts
easily, while other times they can find it
difficult to understand. Twisted Souls are
always very fun and Kind, and can be party
animals. But, if you love someone, youre
serious about it, intense, and forever loyal.
Congratulations-the world should have more like

What Kind of SOUL do you posses?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well whadaya know? I'm a TWISTED SOUL!
Once again the world makes sense.

Oddly enough, lately my feelings have been of the twisted, conflicted, afflicted sort. Maybe it was the whole Mercury in retrograde thing (which just came out of retrograde), maybe it was my birthday last week, or maybe . . . oh, whateva! Here's something I wrote:

All the rhyme, the reason
Escape my mind, the season
Waiting for the turn
My turn, turn of seasons
Foolish one won't be won
All defenses automatic
Determination to sever feeling

Anyhoo, I must thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday, cuz YOU are what made it so. Thanks to the grotesquely GOREgeous screeamqueen for the birthday greeting on your lj and the "family" get-together at your house. You make gore look gooooood!

caffeina you yourself are a gift, so it was wonderful to have you out celebrating with me AND give me such a thoughtful gift AND bring along djdigit! Wow.

Of course I would've been broken-hearted without the presence (which is a present) of charack and wifey. Charack, you have become my trusted counselor and helped me get over some bumps in the road. How in the hell do you get me to open up like that?!!! It pisses me off, but I love ya for it. Speaking of, I'm gonna need another session REAL soon.

And thanks to all who even sent a happy thought in my direction. I got it.

"What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel
that they are joined together to strengthen each other in all
labor, to minister to each other in all sorrow, to share with
each other in all gladness, to be at one with each other in
silent unspeakable memories?"
- George Eliot
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