Oi so much has happened lately... and there's so much more to come!
Okay So I'll start with the day before yesterday. Thursday. We went out for supper at Dionisys, it's this little Greek restaurant in town. And by we I mean Aaron, Uncle Ryan, Auntie Lisa, Jo, Dad and my brother Matthew. Good food... good conversation... good time. haha well the conversation almost had a mind of it's own. I have no idea how we got on the topic but suddenly Uncle Ryan was talking about he gene liking stuff... oh dear god. And when I say his gene... think about that in the dirtiest way possible. Still don't get it? okay... I'll give you a couple more hints. My brother started talking about rubbing the gene lamp and the gene coming out. And then Uncle Ryan started telling us all about his favorite movie - which happens to be the Little Mermaid... and her shells. Uncle Ryan's gene likes the Little Mermaid's Shells. And then Auntie Lisa started talking about how she'd have to dress up like the Little Mermaid and rub his Gene between her shells (:S) and he started saying something about playing with her tail? I dont know...
Get it now?
That's my family for ya.
So after supper, we all got plates and wrote wishes on them and threw them into a pit and yelled OPA... than our wishes would come true. Dad wished to win a lottery to afford his kids. And Auntie Lisa wished to go to Mexico and Uncle Ryan wished for money to buy his wife a house. Aaron wished for a million trillion dollars...and I have no idea what my brother wished for.
My wish was for the kind of happiness and joy that comes from the inside.
My dish didn't break.
So I bought another plate and wrote the same wish, in slightly different words on it. Than since everyone was drawing on the back of their plates (by everyone I mean my brother and boyfriend) I flipped mine over. It had the word 'bella' on the back. So I wrote 'Ciao' above it - because I have a shirt that says that. then I got an idea and crossed out bella and wrote 'ugly depression' under it. Ciao ugly depression. I threw that plate at the other one that didn't break and both of them shattered!
I hope that's a good sign.
Also, I got told that since I'm turning 19 on the 19th that this next year will be my 'power year'. Whoot! I could use a year in which everything goes right for me.
What else... Oh I forgot to tell you how my Valentines Day went.
I actually wasn't even thinking about it till I got to the school at like noon.... maybe even later I don't remember. I had gotten a coffee and had just pulled into my parking spot and was getting all ready to get out of my truck when this little doufus in a pontiac sunfire pulled up beside me. I looked out my window and looked at him - there was maybe like 4 inches between his car and my truck. I was so pissed off at him. He kind of smiled and got out and walked away. I swear he almost skipped away. So I opened my door - it hit his door... oh well. I don't think I even made a mark. Oh well. I tried to pull out and do the same to him on his side of the car...but I couldn't get out because he parked so far back that there wasn't room for me to get out. Fucker. So I pulled back in so there was room for me to get out. At some point in trying to get out I also spilled coffee all over myself and my new coat that I got for my birthday from my dad. Stupid fucker.
So I went into the school and me and Aaron realized we didn't have to take our Psych test yet... so we hung out in the school. We had some... beef on a bun (because they were giving that out for free XD) and then we bought each other valentines at the tables they had set up. I got a carnation and some candy and he got lots of candy. Then I had to go to work, so he stayed at my house while I was at work. I came home and got yellow daisies from Dad
And some pretty purple, yellow and pink daisies from Aaron <3
So me and Aaron watched the Notebook and then I took him home. <3
Good Valentines Day <3
Oh and I forgot to mention what Jo got me for my birthday!
My new bed! hehe. Aaron put together the frame thing for me <3 so now my bed is like, a foot higher than used to be. And sooo damn pretty! I loves it! ... Here's an old picture of my bed... so you can compare!
Much nicer now eh!
Well... Today I'm going to get my Tattoo!!!
Oi I'm nervous about the pain! :S:S
But I should be okay... and this is something that I have to go through.
I'm hungry.
So I'm just going to run downtown and have lunch with Crista and then go get my tattoo!
So you can expect pictures and a long explination about it all soon.