Of Blood And Seeking.

May 14, 2007 13:58

"Stand." It was a command more than anything, a rare tone in Isis's voice. The staff stood under its own power, little shapes of light and hues forming legs to keep it upright. Once she's sure it's standing, she takes the small vial in hand. Looking at it for a moment.

She's settled on the floor, legs crossed. There's a reason Isis was hesitant to go down this road. Any sort of blood magic she's had experiance with has used her own blood, only once or twice someone else's. She knew the risks involved, and as well as Hips knew Severus, she probably had an idea of the risks involved as well.

Still. It felt all kinds of weird doing this without being able to ask. Eiko reassured her that it was fine (several times, in fact), and that any and all help was appreciated.

So. Here she sat, staff standing before her on short little legs of light.

Isis raided her store's extra stock in the previous night for what she needed. A small bowl of silver color sat before her, between her and the staff. She poured the vial of blood into it first. And then a clear, bluish liquid which made it steam very lightly. Isis gestured over it and both smoke and liquid swirled just a bit.

Potionwork was not Isis's strongpoint, Eiko, and nearly anyone who knows her knows this fact. Bloodwork isn't something she's terribly attuned to either, mostly due to lack of experience on that part.

"Bloodwork is highly dangerous magic. As you all know, your blood, your hair, your skin, among other things are linked to you wherever you go. What I'm going to teach you here, is a very basic seeking spell. At the moment, you'll be using vials of your own blood, and then I will take them, and randomly select who gets whose..." Isis could remember the advanced magic class from several years ago. It was one of few that she and Pyra didn't take together.

Of course, this was a great bit more advanced from that. Isis was using the basic seeking spell as a jumping off point, altering it with what she's learned of PINpoints and dimensional travel.

She poured another liquid into the bowl, opaque and orange. She gestured over it again, and the liquids continued to mix as a darker colored plume of smoke rose from it.

"You must always be cautious in working with someone's lifeblood. Regardless of how long it's been separated from its owner, it's still directly linked to them in some fashion. Which is why we dispell this link whenever blood is donated."

But, being that Hips and Eiko weren't of the magical nature, this was a longshot. Hells, this was a longshot by several stretches of things, no matter how one could put it. She was attempting to do this transdimensionally, and through a world whose timelines apparently made for a very thick rope, in the multiversal spectrum of things.

Still, without access to much of anything else, it was the best she could do. Another liquid poured into the silver bowl, another gesture to mix them.

It was ready. She spoke, quiet Skyderian, heavy meaning to the words she uses, "{Goddess Aris, help me seek the one I'm finding, the blood of her is here with me.}"

And the spell begins. It was a ripple of power that Beast probably picked up on, depending, of course, on the depth of his scanners. Power reaching out, seeking. Isis staring off into nothingness, sitting stock still.

The staff, however, did not. It remained standing upright, occasionally rotating, the starburst in the large rounded crystal acting as an eye, a focus for things that Isis could not see.

"Plus we're sorting through... uh... four million, two hundred twelve thousand, six hundred and one variant timelines...." Eiko's words rang through her mind.

The most unfortunate part of everything was that this was a lot of universes to attempt to root through, and Isis's inexperience with this sort of magic made this all very draining, very quickly.

But anything to help narrow it down would help, and she'll be damned if her fiancee loses her best friend.

The power wavered suddenly, and as quickly as she reached out, it had ceased. Isis groaned, she slumped her sitting position, "Gah..."

"Beast? Mark off one through ten on the list I'm going through, she's not in any of those." Isis removed her glasses and rubbed at her face. Experimental magic, plus a good few other factors? This was gonna take more than one attempt.

The staff dropped, and Isis caught it. It'd take a few for her to work up the energy to attempt again.

bloodwork, snape, beast, hips, potionwork, ic posts, spells, eiko

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