You know, when they say it's a real estate, is it really an estate, or a state of realness?

Feb 25, 2007 12:24

Isis is going about getting ready for the trip. The first order of business was a shower, then tying off her hair and putting it up after it's sufficiently dry. Then she gets dressed, a nice blouse and a nice pair of slacks for the day (Thank you Eiko, for Earth clothes, while Isis has dressier casual Skyderain stuff, it proooooobably would've raised an eyebrow or two), and a pair of nice shoes too.

She then grabs for the black hair wig that Eiko made for her, and pulls it on, adjusting it so it looks right, and clipping her 'hair' like it's normal. A bit of fussing over the wig, and ta-da. Isis looks like your average, if slightly difficult to determine the race of, Standard Earth person.

Glasses on, a deep breath, and she's ready!

And then she goes to see if Eiko's also ready, "Well, ajin, how do I look?"

the real house, ic posts, eiko

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