[- Narrative-ish thing -]

Dec 24, 2006 12:59

Isis has presents for folks! They are delivered by PINpointing, and such.

Clair and Otto are the first to receive their gift, simply because it's the easiest to send away first. It's a book on Skyderian Technology, translated by Isis. How the enforcer armors manage to work even though there's no portion of it piercing the skin. The synthskin suit underneath.

There is also a note: "I remember you mentioning that you were trying to find a non-intrusive< way for the actuators to work with your mental commands, and while I'm not sure this will help, it might give you a few ideas to work from nonetheless.

Happy Holidays to you both, Isis"

Z and the Web are next, unfortunately, Isis never could never come up with a gift idea, but they still get a card nonetheless. Wishing them well to their new beginnings, and freedom. She also apologizes for the lack of a personal gift, as well.

Courtney receives a book as well, one on Skyderian Magic Theory, since Isis talked with Eiko (as well as getting the coordinates on where to send, getting them through Beast felt a little impersonal, no offense to him). It explains the light, dark, and elemental aspects, as well as various theories of where the power comes from, and where it came from initially (( OOC NOTE: This is being written out by the mun as he goes, so... Eh-heh ))

Mark gets a bottle of fine Skyderian brandy. It's a very intricate and pretty bottle too.

Snape also receives a card. "I'm afraid I'm not exactly sure what it is that you celebrate, or what to get you, but I wish you a happy holidays nonetheless. ~ Isis"

Ramon is another one that took a little doing on Isis's part to actually find. Hips said he liked history, and she got him an Old History book on Earth. This one is another book, on how Earth progressed in her universe, to space travel and such. "Hips said you liked history, so I went about finding this, it took a little doing to find. But I think you might like it."

Hips also receives a card. Isis sending her well wishes, but unfortunately not exactly knowing what to get her.

Some will receive yet more cooking utensils, a very nice, large, and sturdy pot and pans, and several exceptionally sharp knives and such.

Amelia, we should note, will be getting two cards from Isis-of-the-now, and Isis-that-is-her-mother in the future. The first is simple, wishing her happy holidays, and saying Isis is proud of her in a weird sort of way. The second, well, we haven't quite figured out how Isis-of-the-future managed to send it to the proper time (one of the Doctors or Rassilon was probably involved), but it's along the same lines and such.

Eiko's gift is in two parts. One, is an idea Eiko gave her initially. Skyderian clothes, a few dress-robes (man, you should'ave seen the Tailor's face when Isis had to describe how they had to be tailored), and such for further blending in. There is also a tabloid newspaper that has various theories on who the "mysterious attractive blonde" could possibly be. Isis, personally, thought it was funny, and should be included. There is also a handwritten card! "Vendya, this is only part of the gifts I'm giving you, so, happy holidays, and I love you, ~ Your Ajin"

Eiko also gets a t-shirt with this on it, because Isis found it hilarious.

The second part is far far more personal. This was a massive amount of debate on Isis's part on what exactly to get. It's a locket to hold a picture of them both. There are, also, two small strands of hair, one of Isis's, and Eiko's, braided together in a very tight, small, and intricate braid inside of the locket. It's silver in color, and in make.

Most everyone else Isis knows will be getting cards, too.

Isis's store will also be closed for the day and tomorrow.

snape, hips, christmas, amelia, z, mark, ic posts, some, courtney, the web, christmas presents, ramon, ockette!clair, eiko, clair's otto

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