OOC post!

Nov 07, 2006 10:41

Macrow Magics (macrow_magics) is Isis's store, and this is a very rough map of how the store looks. Be a bit forgiving about how straight everything is, and some things are a bit larger/smaller than they appear on the map. The little sprite of Isis is there primarily for reference of rough size, and it was there to give me a frame of reference of starting size.

The store is three floors.

The first, ground floor, is the store proper. There are several asiles and racks of things and such throughout, even some clothing racks (not shown). There's also the upstairs stockroom where Isis keeps the Witchbolt rifles and other such weapons.

Downstairs is the basement. This is where Isis stores most everything else, and her portal to Skydera is in the other end of the room.

Upstairs, is the living area, which compared to the old version of the store, is much larger than it was initially. Having a spare room, a master bedroom, and a shared bathroom between them.

There's also a kitchen, and all'o'that st00f.

maps, sprites, macrow magics, mspaint maps, ooc posts

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