(Narrative) To be completely honest,

Aug 27, 2006 16:53

This is the first time, since Isis has been allowed to stay in Eiko's labs that she's woken up alone. It was also the first time she went to bed alone, too.

Nonetheless, she's got plans for the day. She gets up, has a shower, gets dressed, and gets started (also making sure that the strand of Eiko's hair is still tightly braided into her own). Her first order of business is to have something to eat, but she makes a round of the labs to make sure everything's as it should be (even if Beast keeps up with this without provication, Isis feels better about doing it herself. It's not that she doesn't trust him, it's mostly that she feels the need to, because she said she would). Said round also includes making sure that the SURTUR is still there.

Intimadated by that towering, explosive, piece of technology or no, it's a small relief to her that for now, it still stands tall in the Garage area of the lab. Thankfully, its size simply means she can check from the doorway. That done, she goes to make herself breakfest.

Isis wasn't lying when she said she couldn't cook by any stretch of the imagination, and as such, she goes about having cereal and that sort of thing. It's quiet without Eiko around. Feeling.. empty, but Isis is assured that Eiko will return. She said she would.

Her next order of business is to check the Nexus textually, and to update her journal. That done, she goes to get her purse and the belt Eiko gave her.

Isis's next stop is her store, or what's left of it, in any event. To survay the damage, and see if everything's removeable from where it is. She checks things, circling the pile of rubble that it now is, feeling a bit of a pang of sadness that it's pretty much totaled. She'll have to have help, but she can rebuild here if the rubble is moved. She'll at least be able to keep her old basement, even if she has to make a new sign. Dammit. She liked that sign. Ah well.

She returns home to Lost Angels next, PINning away from the store. To check up on things, get a newspaper, that sort of deal. And sigh. Still in the tabloids, but thankfully, just the general mall trip, not the later portion of that 'adventure' in the... other store later. She also makes this return trip to get a few more of her things, a couple of books on magic philosophy, and one or two that make attempts to scientifically explain how it works.

It's then back to the labs, where she puts everything brought away and where she should for the moment. She plucks her staff off of the wall where it leans, and vanishes away to Tropico. Thankfully, the Wierd of Tropico is a bit lax, and keeps her from landing in the water. Instead, she lands on a high tree branch, but given she's used to trips here, now, it's an easy trip to hop down and make her way to the beach, where she trains hard. No exhertingly hard, just... To keep her mind and body active. Not thinking about Eiko going into a 'Meat Grinder' as Isis heard her put it once, before leaving.

Isis returns to the labs again, consulting tutorials on how to design her store through Beast. Making ample sure not to let him get too artsy, but the Lost Angels' style building idea she's got in mind allows for a little freedom in that regard. While she'll miss the old store, she did always feel that it was a little plain on the outside.

More tutorial consoltation follows, how to run the regeneration machines for when Eiko returns. Because Isis at least a third-of-the-way expects she'll'ave been through hell, and she'll be damned if she won't be able to do anything about it.

When she feels that's done for the time being, she discovers the temptation to clean the lab is an astounding one, but she resists for now...


For now.

(( Ending it here to leave it open ended on what I'll have her do next, note: This is pretty much a closed, narrative post. I'm not having her sit idle and do nothing while all'a'this goes on. ))

beast, news reports, narrative posts, eiko's labs, rp, staff training, oh hell, lost angels, store redesign, eiko

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