...The "Greater Balance of All" the two Isis (Isii?) keep jabbering about doesn't apply to one universe or their own universes.
It, in fact, applies to all worlds in existance.
The slightest little
misbalance can cause problems. Gods and Goddesses, even in different universes, sometimes effect worlds that are not their own.
This, of course, is such a case.
TimeStar City, Skydera Prime
The crack of thunder resounds throughout the surrounding area as the temporal storms, suddenly unhindered by barriers that no longer seperate them, collide into one massive flashy display, that causes the observation landship and it's crew to probably stare in amazement.
The Time Soldiers suddenly /stop/. Their eyes flash to red as they resyncronize to a different source.
Timestar city reforms, temporal storms stablizing somehow. Instead of the shining, circular city, it's a massive, twisted fortress.
Laughter echos from within. "I'm BACK!" More laughter.
You ever wonder /why/ there were temporal storms in TimeStar City? Timemaster was never destroyed. Only imprisioned.... Along with the Coin of Time Artifact....
Combine that, with even the slightest misbalance?
Shit? Meet fan.