Hm, so.

Sep 06, 2007 13:31

It's been a while since I've updated this thing, so.

Where to start? It's been a long few months, my capture by the Empire and being kept in the prison facility, and Eiko's rescue and the events thereafter...

We've delayed the wedding until both of us are up to speed again, and part of me's hoping that's relatively soon. The alterations on my robes are done, and we've still got a few things to finish planning together.

It's been quiet, lately. A calm for which I'm quite thankful, and I'm glad to be teaching again. Having a sense of normalcy in my life is greatly appreciated, and I'm even more glad to have Eiko back after our time apart.

Even so, I'm doing well now, I think.

ic posts, wedding planning, eiko

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