Welcome to the first exo member-centric fic exchange for Byun Baekhyun!
Sign-ups are closed
Maybe some of you have heard of a little something called... Baekfest? In your dreams? In your nightmares? All Baekhyun? All the time?
Well, it's coming true.
Since things get a little crazy with feels sometimes we have spawned the collective idea-baby for our first member-themed exo exchange! *Three cheers for not thinking things through* It started out as a little fun on twitter, but we want to give everyone an opportunity to participate!
For everyone who could use a little more Baekhyun/XXX pairing fic... This is the exchange for you! The source for a great deal of mindblowing Baek-fic-action! Let's cut down to what you need to know...
It's highly suggested that you read the entirety of this post, but in case you need to check back for important details, those parts will be underlined.
What are we (in a nutshell)?:
Byun Baekhyun enthusiasts who just want fic with him in it!
Writers are given at least three prompts, from which they can pick and choose which ones they'd like to use in their gift to their recipient.
Sign ups begin: Now!
Sign ups close: September 30th, 2013 [Please have your comments edited by then]
Prompts sent out: October 10th, 2013
Last day to drop out [with no penalty]: November 17th, 2013
1st Check-in [1,000 words minimum]: November 20th, 2013
2nd Check-in [2,000 words minimum]: December 25th, 2013
Final drafts: January 15th, 2014
Postings begin: January 20th, 2014
Reveals: January 30th, 2014
-We need everyone who signs up to be dedicated!
-Only pairings of Baekhyun with any of the other 11 members or Baekhyun/Baekhyun or simply Baekhyun-centric [this is pairingless] (ooh fancy, so in total there are thirteen options)
-There is a 3,000 word minimum requirement
-If you have a beta, he/she is not allowed to also be in this exchange! That's premature revealing.
-Absolutely no reveals until our reveals post is up
-There will be no extensions. We're not playing. This is not a game.
-Consequences to disobeying any of these rules is disqualification from the event and future penalties in any other activities arranged by these same mods. Also the mods demand at least three cookies in payment. And we don't like you. Dishonor on your cow.
-If you would like to pick an OT3+, please include it in your wanted pairings (whether it be to receive or to write), but it doesn't count towards your three minimum. [AKA pretend you can only do pairings and then tack on your desired OT3+s at the end]. This applies to prompts too. If a prompt requires an OT3+, don't include it in your 3 minimum, it's an extra!
-For pairings, don't think that if you include more we'll be mad... We'll actually be absolutely jumping with joy. Seriously. The more the better. It gives us options.
Prompt Guidelines:
Please try to think up something really exciting and fresh and flexible! It's very important to have something that stirs up ideas so none of our writers are left in a slump.
Good example: "and the hardest part of living is taking breaths to stay. hospital!au"
[Specific, but enough to give the author something to work with]
Bad example: "Baekhyun falls in love."
[You have got to be kidding me]
How to sign up:
Post in the comments in this format (we will screen them, don't worry)
Author: yourljname (ex: thebaekfest)
Email: youremail (ex: thebaekfest@gmail.com)[Note: You need to check this email regularly]
3 Pairings you'd be okay with receiving [or more!]: Baekhyun/? (ex: Baekhyun/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, Baekhyun/Baekhyun)
3 (Amazing) Prompts for someone else [or more!]: Please see above for prompt guidelines!
3 Pairings you'd be okay with writing [or more!]: Baekhyun/? (ex: Baekhyun/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, Baekhyun/Suho)
Are you okay with writing another pairing (if we're in a pinch?): Yes or No
Can you pinch-hit? [Pinch-hitters must be willing to pinch-hit for any pairing, so please be aware]: Yes or No
Things you can't do: Like if you can't write NC-17 or BDSM, include that here.
Things you don't want in your gift fic: Things you just can't deal with in your gift fic. (ex. I can't stand bananas, if you reference one I'll slaughter you and spice your meat)
It's very, very, very important that you put a lot of effort into these prompts.
Author: yourljname
Email: youremail
3 Pairings you'd be okay with receiving: Baekhyun/?
3 (Amazing) Prompts for someone else: Please see above for prompt guidelines!
3 Pairings you'd be okay with writing: Baekhyun/?
Are you okay with writing another pairing (if we're in a pinch?): Yes or No
Can you pinch-hit?: Yes or No
Things you can't do: Here.
Things you don't want in your gift fic: Here.
Sign-ups are closed
Now that you're ready, you can contact either of the mods through pm [
lababoreine or
paradisist] (make sure your settings allow us to reply) or you can catch us on twitter (@thebaekfest) or you can shoot us an email at thebaekfest@gmail.com!
Good luck and be led by the light!
(P.S. Super love to
envybleedsgreen and
perfect_key for extending their support in these dark times)