This is the place to give thanks and hunt down the people who wrote your favorite fics in the exchange! Be sure to show appreciation to as many people as you can and spread the love!
Thus, we present this year's red carpet masterlist... *drum roll please*
The Baekfest
Masterlist/Reveals )
also, THANK YOU reduxed FOR YOUR WONDERFUL LAYBAEK I'm just so sorry my comment never did your masterpiece justice u____u I hope my prompts didn't give you a hard time ;n;
JUSTIN parkourdeer thank you for your prompts????? bc omg they were rly good prompts and I wish I could write the In Time!au but lol obviously I don't have the english for such a complex fic u____u I'm sorry if your gift never reached your expectations but I must say despite it being horrible it was a smooth writing process and I thank you so much for giving me the chance to write!!! <3 your comment is A++
thank you to lynn (my sister) for listening to my cries and shaping the plot and pRETTY MUCH GIVING IT LIFE and lynn (tlist #1 lynn aka eonians) and vicah coppertears and tlist in general for listening to my rambles and worries at the beginning when I underwent plot crisis!! even though we couldn't reveal our plots but your words of comfort were really helpful and I am thankful for them!!
thank you baekfest! it was one hell of an experience! all those heavy breakfasts full of baek thighs and baekbutts will always be our favourite main course! <3
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