Almost there.

Mar 28, 2006 16:22

I'm stretching my arms toward the end of this year, hoping that if I stretch far enough I can make it come early. Not going to happen.
I'm dying. Not literally of course, but I'm exhausted. I need to keep up the pace and studying and whatnot if I'm going to make it out of here alive, and thank God/Allah/Zappa I'm not being an RA next year. These last two years have made me so bitter, and as funny as that can be sometimes, I don't want to be grumpy forever. I mean look what happened to Oscar, he was grumpy for so long that he couldn't maintain a job, moved into a trashcan and had to use his degree in musical theater to score a job on a public television children's show.

Just goes to show you where anger gets you.

There's something coming, maybe it's my birthday, maybe it's impending summer, I don't know. All I know is there is something to look forward to. I'm tired all the time, so I forget what it really is. I assume that a lot of what I see is delirium.
But hey, I'm still having a good year, I've just learned to embrace my weekends. Hell, I barely even do social stuff on the weekends, I turn on a movie, possibly play a video game if I can find one that is fun (and easy enough for me to play without having to ask people who play video games more than I do for instructions), and I hang out.
I wish I had a social life, but the realy funny thing is, I'm an RA. And the residents are right, we don't really have a life aside from being assholes. What they are wrong about is, they think that I'm a goody two-shoes, which is hilarious. Just because they've never seen me drunk, they assume that it's never happened. And all of the crazy things that I'ved one at Rob's house? They would never imagine. They think I do this job out of personal vendetta to end underaged drinking. Fact is, I'm in it for the money. And if it comes to me getting fired over me turning a blind eye to some 18 year old retard who is listening to his OAR albums and drinking cheap beer in his room, or me writing his dumb ass up...guess what boys and girls?? Money wins. Fuck that kid.
I am, of course, talking about one particular resident who will remain nameless until I'm no longer employed here. Again, not an issue of me being tactful, it's just that UHDS scours the internet to see if I do anything that they deem immoral. Which is everything.
This has been a lot of ranting. Damn. Ok, one more thing to talk about:
This chick who writes opinions in the paper. All of her articles are about how she basically wishes that she (and everyone else that she associates herself with) should never have to own up to the shit that they do. I mean she wrote one about having a pet in the dorms, getting caught and thinking it was crazy that she got in trouble. Which is funny, beacuse she signed a CONTRACT saying, in no uncertain terms, that pets were NOT allowed. Now I'm someone that anally reads contracts (I stick them in my butt), so maybe I'm crazy for saying that breach of contract is pretty serious. But yeah, I want to write an opinions article about her. But every time I apply I'm told that my stories are well written, but too angry for the general populace. That and I used the term "Rectal-claw" in one of them.
That's not a swear.
I read the contract.

That's enough, I hope you didn't read all of this,

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