So it was brought to my attention that I never actually read the second Ultimates story arc. Just the second half to the first arc. So I got my hands on it and read through all 13 issues.
Ya know... Usually Marvel is really hit or miss with me. Seriously, it feels like half of Marvel's writing staff is comprised of drooling, knuckle dragging hacks that think beating people over the head with trite, blatant, mindless narration is a good thing. Ultimates 2 however lifted my spirits and proved that Marvel still has some talent under their belts.
The entire damn story was fantastic. It was exactly what I wanted in a superhero book. And once more Tony Stark proves himself to be more awesome than words.
Changing gears though....
Voodoo Walrus updated with
episode 47 this morning. Not really one of the better looking pages, but a rush job was required so I could get a jump start on episode 50 since its going to be double sized and colored.
The "
Panda Couple" commission is uploaded (NSFW)
I've really got to stop looking at my own icon up there and thinking "Ooooooooh preeeeetty"
Back to the literal drawing table.